Excused Absence?


You may think this blog’s title refers to the relative lack of new posts in recent months. 

I wouldn’t blame you. Hopefully we’ll get back to a semi-regular schedule soon.

But I’ve had my reasons for such blog-paucity. It’s been a busy fall semester. Exhibits A-J . . .

Actually, the topic of “Excused Absences” comes from a social media post by Marvel Studios.

Check out this “Permission Slip” fans can use to skip school or work (or both if you’re a teacher). 

What’s your reaction to this note? 

  1. Ha! That’s funny.
  2. Hey, that’s not a bad idea.
  3. Gasp! How dare they make light of skipping school and/or work, especially in light of data on chronic student absenteeism and the detrimental effects on learning and retention?

If you responded closest to #3 above, chances are you’ve had some prior experience with students that miss or skip classes. 

(Still, I’d hope you can take it as a clever joke. And maybe sympathize with those of us excited to witness two landmark events in the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe.)

But since the issue is on the table, let’s look at students who miss school. And if it’s any encouragement, superheroes go missing all the time . . . .

Focusing on STUDENTS, the causes and effects of missing school are diverse and interdependent. For example, is a student not doing well because they are missing class, or are they missing class because they are not doing well? 

Regardless of causation, we can clearly see correlation. Here is a graph based on data of students in my university, courtesy of our Office of Academic Affairs. 

Sure, there are outlier individuals who buck the trend. But overall, it’s not too hard to notice that the more classes you miss (Number of Days Absent), the lower your overall grade point average (GPA).

You can find all kinds of data and research on this important issue, including the ones listed here.

(Notice this topic is so crucial that even the White House has an official position statement on the matter!)

No big surprise, then, that a general rule of thumb is “Stay in school, kids.” 

See? Even Batman and Spider-Man agree!

Easier said than done for some, of course. Start with the list above for resources to increase attendance and engagement.  

And please share what you and your school do to help invite and retain students. Successes? Struggles? Lessons Learned? Advice to Share?

We welcome your feedback! (And will even write you a note if you need one.)